Premier Li Keqiang Visits Hunan University and ‘LotusPrize’ Competition


At 3pm of 3 July, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Premier of the State Council Mr. Li Keqiang visited Hunan University with the Minister of Education Mr. Yuan Guiren and Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Committee Mr. Xu Shousheng. The Premier stopped in front of the School of Design exhibit featuring ‘LotusPrize’ International Industrial Design and Innovation Competition. He listened to the competition’s introduction while viewing the display panels, models and browsing through the ‘LotusPrize’ Collection of Works. The Premier gave high remarks to the competition, stating that he is ‘very pleased’.




At the Hunan University Student Entrepreneur Salone, Pan Ying, the Hunan University student entrepreneur representative, Postgraduate Design student and also the founder of Academy Nine under ‘LotusPrize’ Category B won the praise of the Premier. Premier Li Keqiang listened to Pan Ying’s introduction to her creative cultural product, the design process and sales situation of ‘Academy Nine’ products. He gave great affirmation to students that are willing to build their career on propagating Chinese culture and bought ¥100 yuan worth of ‘Yuelu Academy Themed Cultural Product Set’. The Premier encourages students to create their own start up, carr ing on the ‘dare to be the first’ spirit of this historical school, actively try to be more creative, more talented and produce more results.


