Lu Xiaobo (China)

Dean of Tsinghua University Academy of Art and Design, Red Dot Jury

Lu Xiaobo, Dean of Tsinghua University Academy of Art and Design, Head of Tsinghua University Art and Science Research Centre, Head of Tsinghua University Experimental Art and Design Centre, Vice Chairman of the Education Department Higher Education Industrial Design Teaching Committee, Vice Chairman of China Industrial Design Association and iF, Red Dot jury.

Made many appearances at the Beijing International Arts and New Media Exhibition Forum, Asia (Japan) International Design Convention, International Arts and Science Exhibition Forum, International Interactive Design Forum and China Human-Robot Interactive Forum; his art design has been selected into the National Art Exhibition, winning gold at the China Industrial Design and International Arts and Science Exhibition; has hosted and participated in many research projects including information identification system design for China Railway and was the Innovation Director for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo Hunan Pavilion.